Welcome Swallow Gallery hosts winners of the Fleeting Moments of Autumn photographic competition at the Sculpture Park

Winners were announced at the Welcome Swallow Gallery on Friday 14th June. The competition was judged by local photographer, Mark Hamilton.

Winner's night

Dorothy Wakeling and Sylvia Sinel from the Sculpture Park introduced, to the large gallery audience, the Fleeting Moments photographic competition expressing deep satisfaction with the way in which many people had embraced the challenge of capturing the Sculpture Park in Autumn. Mark Hamilton who judged the competition presented the winners (see below) with their prizes while praising the overall quality of the submissions.

In the meantime the People's Choice Award for best photograph has already seen numerous ballots entered. The ballot count is set for the end of July. The winner and the special prize will be announced here.

Photo Montage

The Competition Wall of Winners

People's Choice Award Winer!

It's a wrap! The exhibition of the photo competition Fleeting moments of Autumn at @Welcome Swallow Gallery & Gifts has come to an end, and we are happy to say that it has been a big success! Nine winning photos and three highly commended were selected out of 139 by photographer Mark Hamilton 

The People's Choice Award was snapped up by intermediate student Matai Moorfield (see the winning photograph below) and the prize is an "Out of the Box" family game at the park. https://www.sculpturepark.co.nz/out-of-the-box-game Well done Matai!

Thanks to everyone who has been involved in this exciting project - photographers, sponsors and everyone in between. The Sculpture park will be back again next year so get your cameras ready for then.

Please head to the website www.sculpturepark.co.nz to keep up to date with all that's happening in the park.


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